Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How To Get Glowing & Flawless Skin

No one has completely perfect skin. These are some tips and tricks for sharing which you don't need to break your bank to spend celebrity money to win your battle over blemishes,the signs of aging, and feel absolutely gorgeous.

Here's how to get your glowing & flawless skin:

1. Drink enough water

I know, I know. You've heard this a million times, but staying hydrated remains one of the most significant things you can do to improve your complexion. This tip is so easy, but it's also the first thing I tell women to do to take better care of their skin. Because the skin is one of the last organs to get hydrated when you drink water, it really shows if you have or haven't been drinking enough water.

Conventional wisdom says eight glasses of water a day are plenty, but there are some expertise advice a new formula: taking your body weight and dividing that number in half to get the number of ounces of water you should be drinking each day (for example, a 150-pound woman should consume 75 ounces daily). Although you might not see instant results. Expertise says many women see a difference in just a few short days.

2. Microdermabrasion is a truly effective exfoliator

When we're young, our skin cells turn over about every 28 days. But as we age, cells turn over 35, 40, or even every 50 days. What you need are products and treatments [like microdermabrasion] that prompt skin to turnover and essentially trick it into thinking it is younger.

Microdermabrasion is a skin-buffing treatment that can cost around  RM200++ to few hundreds per session in a reputable medical spa. Even if you're on a budget, one session could give your skin a big boost. However, regular treatments, whether every three weeks or every eight, are best for most people's skin concerns.

One time will make you feel better,just like you working out. Once is better than nothing, but doing it regularly will make a much bigger impact.

Facial Scrubs from drugstore??

Expert says :"Apricot seed scrubs can cause microscopic tears and synthetic ball scrubs actually don't do much for your skin. Using these products actually may cause more problems than you already have with your skin. You really can't get comparable exfoliation to microdermabrasion over the counter."

3. Sunscreen,  ladies....but not tons of it.

Expert dermatologist agree that using sunscreen daily is one of the very first changes you should make to improve your skin.
"Those signs of aging many women heading toward 40s -- little mouth lines, sun spots, crow's feet -- are not things you should biologically see until your 60s. If you see them before that, you did that to yourself. You can't erase the damage that's been done, but you can stop it from progressing rapidly".

Using a moisturizer-sunscreen combination are highly recommended, and  reminder to all women- you don't need to slather on a ton of sunscreen to get its full effects.

You only need a shot glass-size amount to cover the entire body, which means the amount that goes on your face is about the size of a quarter.

4. Protect yourself against the sun, even when you're inside.

Even if you're sitting in the house all day, you could be getting exposure to sunlight that can damage and age your skin. If you sit near a window, UVA rays can come through and take a toll on your skin. There's even some evidence that fluorescent lighting can have an impact. Most of us are cautious outside, but you really need to touch up your sunscreen just like you powder your nose.

How do you do this without stripping off your makeup and starting your beauty regimen over or adding goopy sprays over your foundation?  Powder sunscreens are recommended so that you can dab on without taking off your makeup.

5. SPF makeup?

It's a nice try, a good buffer, but the amount of SPF in makeup and what you get in sunscreen are not equal.
If you're prone to breakouts alot, my suggestion is use a tinted moisturizer—it's a great option for people with sensitive skin or those who want lighter-weight coverage for blemishes or acne scarring because it allows you to use fewer products.

6. Your chest, neck, and back need SPF love, too.

Spectacular skin isn't just about the face. Expert says you shouldn't stop at your jawline when you're addressing blemishes, wrinkles, dryness, or other issues.

Whatever sunscreen or moisturizer or cleanser you use on your face, you should use on your neck and chest. If you have someone to help, also apply it to your back.

This is especially necessary during warmer weather when shoulders are bare, backs are revealed, and necklines plunge a bit.

7. Morning eye puffiness? Here's an easy trick

The most simple remedy for lightening dark circles and decreasing puffiness under the eyes is splashing cold water on your face first thing in the morning, which shrinks the blood vessels and decreases eye puffiness.

However, more serious under-eye circles may call for more aggressive treatment. Dark circles can be caused by sun damage or from genetically driven pigmentation; bluish-hued circles can stem from vascular issues. Also, as we age, we lose the fat underneath our eyes, which causes a gaunt or tired appearance. (check out my previous post: http://rachelwongmua.blogspot.com/2011/05/how-to-get-rid-of-dark-circles.html  ).  In these cases, some eyes fillers can help plump up the area and provide a more youthful appearance.
In-office treatment isn't always necessary, however, there are some very effective lightening creams available at drug stores. The key is in finding a topical cream that is made up of hydroquinone in 2% concentration. Most people notice an improvement in the skin around their eyes in about two weeks.

8. Apply Retinol carefully—more is actually worse
Retinol is a form of vitamin A that is used to combat acne as well as the signs of aging by spurring skin turnover and increasing collagen. It is available in prescription-strength formulas through a dermatologist, but can also be found in lower concentrations in cosmetics and creams. Although people might be tempted to apply it often, that will only irritate the skin more..

People used to think that to get the benefits of Retinol, the skin had to really peel. But really, this is just a side effect of using it too much. Instead, I recommend to use it three times a week. You will see fewer side effects and might avoid that redness and peeling we associate with it.

9. Workouts don't have to lead to breakouts.

If you're one of those people who feels great about exercising, but not so great about the breakouts you get from excessive sweating, you don't have to sacrifice your time on the treadmill for fabulous skin. Acne-prone exercisers might just find the solution in the gym locker room.

Right after your workout, shower or wash your face right there at the gym. And since you're already there, take advantage of the gym's steam room for a few minutes. This will open up pores and reduce your chance of breaking out.

10. Get your vitamin C, and not just in your diet.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant!!...It fights free-radical damage, which makes it wonderful for anti-aging.

Eating lots of broccoli or adding orange juice to your morning meal may help your body ward off cardiovascular disease and boost your health, but to really see the benefits of Vitamin C on your skin, you have to apply it topically.

Over-the-counter products that contain vitamin C "won't accomplish your goal" of getting more beautiful skin. But prescription-strength products can make a big difference in keeping the skin looking young.

11. You don't need lots of products, you just need the right ones.

Most peoples have spent tons of money on a drawer full of insufficient products.A visit to the drug store is just not going to cut it for most of us.

If you're really committed to boosting the health and appearance of your skin, you are far more likely to get results from products recommended or prescribed by a dermatologist, esthetician, or other medical skincare professional. Although this might make some penny-pinchers cringe, it will actually save people money in the long run.

You should be using the correct products with the proper ingredients for your skin, your goals for how you want to look, and your health. Most of us don't need any more than three or four products total for great skin. If you're buying and using lots of things, even if you got them for a much lower price at the drug store, and you're not getting the results you need, then none of it's doing any good. It's a WASTE!

Being honest about getting older and "upping the ante"—that is, investing in a few clinical-grade products rather than creams out of the bargain bin—will help older women hold on to a youthful glow. And taking skin protection seriously will help younger people develop healthy habits that could lead to a lifetime of smooth, supple skin.

Hope all these tricks and tips will benefit all of you...Have a glowing & flawless skin forever!!

Rachel W


1 comment:

  1. Yah! There are lots of beauty products and even natural remedies. But not all of them suit your needs! You have to define your skin so you know what beauty remedy is best for you.

    Lauri Hersh
